Friday, March 6, 2015

In Hawaii Paradise

"We're going to Hawaii.  We're going to Hawaii."   Those are the lines Sophie had been chanting over and over again as it approached our vacation.  I have never really seen both of them get so excited and looking forward to a vacation.  Perhaps they are all grown up! :)

This is also the place which I've been wanting to go there since over a decade ago.  But instead of changing diapers and nursing or feeding them in Hawaii, I decided to wait until the girls are big enough so that the whole family could fully enjoy there.  I guess I made the right decision!

We woke up one early morning and up up and away to Hawaii during this year's President's Day vacation of the girls.

When the time actually came, the extremely busy schedule at work right before the vacation and the tiredness and exhaust for preparation of the trip was rubbing my excitements off I guess.  I found myself that I wasn't as excited as the girls did.

It's all about beaches

Well, our oceanfront view hotel room embraced me with gorgeous view to Waikiki beach.  Alright, fun time had begun.  No checking emails, no thoughts about work. It was all about family, vacation and beaches.

What a beautiful place!  It lives up to its name!  As days progress and the longer I stay there, I more I fell in love with this paradise.  We drove along the coast of the whole Oahu island for at least two or three times.  No matter which beach I go, its turquoise water and white sandy beach never fail to impress me.

Sunset at Waikiki Beach
Sunset at Waikiki Beach
Sunset at Waikiki Beach
Sunset at Waikiki Beach

There were countless sweet memories: waking up with Waikiki beach beauty for every morning; enjoying the sunset from our hotel room balcony while sea breeze were gently or a little roughly kissing on our faces; even eating breakfast at Waikiki's famous EggNThings restaurant which happens to be located right at the downstairs of our hotel still gave us a stunning view to Waikiki beach; Or even while one was getting the guilty pleasures at Haagan Daz close by this-never-boring view is just right before us.  Hmm... Life is good!

Haleiwa Beach

We visited to almost every beaches in Hawaii.  From Halawei beach to Kailua beach, Lanikai beach, Sandy beach park and Hanauma bay.  The wind was really gusty on East Shore beaches.  No wonder there weren't lots of people in Hanola Blowhole and Sandy beach park.

Sandy Beach

Sandy Beach

Hanola Blowhole

East Shore
East Shore
North shore is a great place to watch huge waves during winter; we went there on February so it was still winter.  Even though we didn't witness 8ft or 10 ft high waves, waves there are much more taller, stronger and rougher than beaches in other shores.  The famous Ehukai Beach and Benzai pipeline, Sunset beach, Shark's cove and Waimea bay proved it.
Sunset Beach
Sunset Beach
Sunset Beach

Sunset Beach
Shark's Cove

Shark's Cove
Waimea Bay
Ehukai Beach/Banzai Pipeline

Ehukai Beach/Banzai Pipeline

Leneakea beach on north shore should be on one's list if you want to witness sea turtles.  We only saw about two turtles from a distance.  There were too many people and they didn't want to come closer to the shore I guess.
Laneakea Beach

Laneakea Beach

 If you ask me which one is your favorite, it'll be a super tough call to come up with one.  However, I would highly recommend Kailua beach and Lanaikai beach.  They are close to each other and they bear their own beauty.  A little seclusive and calm Kailua beach is very different from many other beaches in Oahu.

I came across an article that Lanaikai beach is only one beach in United States which is voted for one of the best beaches in the world.  Its famous two little islands is an icon in Blue Hawaii movie.  It could be really hard to find parking there though.  Because it's located in the residential area, it could be really challenging to find a street side parking especially during weekends.  Plus, there's no public facilities such as restroom, showers are not there.  Kailua beach has it though.

Kailua Beach

Kailua Beach

Lanikai Beach

Lanikai Beach

Lanikai Beach

Monday, May 6, 2013

2013 Spring break road trip

I was prompted with another opportunity to attend a conference in Las Vegas.  He happened to get a week off from his work as well.  And it was Sophie’s spring break from her school too.  So what?  It’s time for spring break road trip.  

We had decided to visit to National Parks in Utah and here was what I’ve came up with for my trip plan:
Las Vegas -> Page (Arizona) -> Bryce Canyon National Park -> Zion National Park -> Las Vegas -> Home Sweet Home

Page was not planned initially and I squeezed it in last minute. 

It’s Vegas again!

My first night at MGM was really awesome.  Academy of Country Music Awards (ACM) was happening right at the Garden Arena at MGM during the evening I got to MGM.  It explains the crowd at Mc Carren airport and the extremely long line and about 1.5 hours wait for the cab line.

Girls had a blast playing and swimming in the “lazy-river” like pool at MGM.   Sunbathing next to one of those several pools at MGM was way to kill a nice day.  

Eating buffets was our another way to enjoying the Sin city.  This time, we tried at MGM grand dinner buffet, Bellagio’s dinner buffet, Cosmopolitan’s wicked spoon brunch buffet and Circus Circus’s dinner buffet. 
My ratings for those buffets are that Wynn’s buffet which we tried during last visit was superior.   Sea food was top notch there and super fresh.  In terms of sea food freshness and taste, none of the other ones could beat Wynn.  Wynn’s ice cream were very delicious as well.  And their sugar coated apple candy was girls’ one of must-try one.   

Bellagio and Cosmopolitan come very close to Wynn as well in terms of taste and varieties.   Bellagio also got various seafood selections.  I particularly like the prime rib there.  And their desert varieties and selections were big like Wynn.   I love their cheesecake and macaroons.   

As we dined for brunch at Cosmpolitan, there wasn’t any sea food.   The settings in Cosmopolitan was very contemporary.   And their buffet settings were unique.   Most of the items were served in miniature pots, pans and bowls and you just gotta pick them.   The Thai tea flavored ice cream was great and it tasted like what it’s supposed to be.  

Circus Circus buffet was okay and I rate that the buffet of their counterpart at Reno is far better. 

Page, Arizona

I wanted to visit Horeshoe Band and Antelope Canyon so I squished it into my plan at last minutes.   Having said that, there got quite couple of lessons learnt from it. 
1)      Didn’t really realize that passing through Zion National Park is the only way to page.   It really slows us down due to the traffic entering into the park entrance and the speed limit and the drive inside the park was about 20 to 45 mile per hour (mph).  I blamed myself for not thoroughly looking at the Google map beforehand.   Also, a couple of places along the way to page had the road construction ongoing.  All these factors really added up to the commute time and I didn’t factor in them.  

2)      Little did I expect that the data network will be unavailable in Page.  Being spoiled here all these years and having experienced such before, I had never thought that Page has no data network coverage.   Thus, the address to the point of interest weren’t able to be retrieved. 

And our car GPS has not been updated often so we weren’t able to look Antelope Canyon’s address up.  The one which came up with Antelope Canyon at Page led us to the Antelope Canyon tour office in page downtown and we lost time there.   By the time we got to Antelope Canyon, we had missed the last tour so we decided to head to HorseShoe Band instead. 

Without GPS, the cell data network and no paper printout for our destination addresses, it was really painful.  But being the direction guru, he was still able to get to Horse Shoe Band finally.

It was about a mile walking trail to get to it from the parking lot.   At some point, there got a couple of slight hiking.   I thought we would be the last one there at around 5:00pm but there still got a big crowd there.   Thanks to spring for a longer day and getting dark late around 7:45pm to 8:00pm. 

The Colorado River in green with that unique standing big piece of red rock was stunning.   The only regret was that the sun was shy and was hiding behind the cloud when we were there.   As soon as we’ve got back into the car, the sun suddenly exposed to my face.  While I was squinting my eyes and trying to pull down the sun visor of my car, it suddenly clicked me and made me yelled why it came out only now.   With the sun light, I would have witness more stunning scene and also have gotten more gorgeous pictures.

Before heading back to Bryce Canyon, we stopped at Denny’s across Glen Canyon Dam per girls’ request. 

Too bad, the Visitor Center was closed by then so we didn’t get a chance to see the dam close up.  But when we first got to Page, we were amazed by the depth of the dam while we were passing it. 

Bryce Canyon National Park

The drive to Bryce was pretty lonely.   Well, from Page to Kanab which was a small town next to Zion National Park wasn’t that bad.  There got two cars: one ahead and one behind us.   Our first day driving was quite adventurous.   From Nevada to Arizona and from Arizona to Utah and crossing three states within a day.

We got the room with the lake view at Bryce Canyon.   The Ruby Best Western Inn was just outside of the park entrance and I was pleased with its proximity to the park.  

I did the research the night before and planned for the route.   It was recommended to drive all the way up to the other end of scenic drive where FarView Point was.

The scenic drive was 18 miles long for one way.  As its name suggested, FarView point provides the panoramic view of the park.  We first witnessed those hodoos which we used to get amazed through TV.  The elevation was about 8800ft and it was like the highest point we visited throughout the park. 

Due to the park’s elevation, the weather there is easily 10 to 15 degree lower than Zion park and the temperature stayed around 50 to 60F.  It was no surprise that a few traces of snow can be found there. 

There got about 10+ view points along the way of scenic drive and we stopped at pretty much every one of them.  Rainbow point and the Nature Bridge were notable.    Inspiration point gave a much better view of hoodoos.   The best is yet to come when we got to Bryce point.   The surrounding view was just so outstanding and I still felt astounding for being able to personally view those incredible stunning hoodoos.

Sunset point was my second favorite.  And he took 0.5 mile trail from Bryce point to Sunset point.   I drove up to Sunset point with girls to meet with him.   And girls got the picnic at one of the tables by Sunrise point.

Sunrise point was another great view  but having witnessed Bryce and Sunrise points I prefer them. 


Red Rock Canyon

It’s a sidetrack beautiful stop on the way to Zion.  Needless to say, those beautiful bright red rock under sun light convinced me to stop there.    There was a little trail leading to the canyon of some of the red rocks.  He tried to hike there but found out that the rock weren’t that stable.   Being so close to Bryce, some of the rock formations are like hoodoos and it wasn’t surprising that it turned out that way.  

Zion National Park

Here we come again to Zion-Mount-Carmel Highway toward the park.   We drove that way when we headed to Page so it wasn’t no stranger to us. 

A mile-long tunnel on the highway to the park was the longest tunnel we ever drove through.   Most part of it, it was pretty dark except a few points where they made the windows and could see the light.   Girls got so excited for passing the long tunnel but I was holding my breath for no good reason J

Those beautiful tall mountains throughout the park are self-explanatory of why the park got million visitors every year. 

The newly renovated La Quinta Inn at Springdale surrounded by gorgeous Zion ranges of mountain didn’t disappoint me.   It was a much needed break to relax for the long day.  Again, I was so pleased for its close proximity to the park entrance.  

Springdale is a small little tourist towns full of lodgings, restaurants and eateries. 

To regulate the traffic, Zion doesn’t allow any car for its scenic points and those are accessible through the shuttle bus operated by the park only.   We were debating to leave our car at La Quinta as the shuttle bus stop was just nearby and it would help with the parking headache issue.

We were glad that we brought it into the park as there got plenty of parking spots by the shuttle bus stop. 

Again, we decided to go all the way to the last stop of the bus and to come back and visit each of them on the way back.  

So, our journey began at Temple of Sinawava.   Along the way on the bus, we were amazed by those fearless climbers who were trying to reach the peak of 90 degree tall rocks of Zion.  

Probably it was the best way to view and in touch with Virgin river at Temple of Sinawava.   When we passed Virgin River Gorge toward Zion from Neveda direction, it makes me wonder why they name it Virgin River while I could hardly ever see any water in it during spring.  If it’s summer, it might be neglectable. 

A little family competition for rock throwing to see who could throw furthest and also who could land a little rock onto the big rock at the distance.   The girls got a blast and didn’t want to move forward but we gotta get going to about 1.5 mile hiking trail to The Narrows.   The trail ends at the entrance of The Narrows where exploring it could only be possible by getting wet and crossing the Virgin River. 

We witnessed a couple of comrades who were well-prepared, determined to cross Virgin River and chartered into the Narrows to see what the nature and Zion has to offer at the other side of it.   I wish all the best to them.   With kids, it wasn’t something we would be able to do.  On the other hand, flash flooding was haunting me.  Of course, one could check the weather forecast and prepare and avoid them in advance but there still got low risk.

Girls did such a great job making the round trip of the hiking trail.   They were quite amused by the close-ups of those brave and taming squirrels along the way.   Without any fear, they posed for a lot of cameras of park visitors.  Perhaps they learnt that human beings there never hurt them.

During the lunch time, we re-fueled ourselves at Zion Lodge.   Oh, man!  The soft serve ice-cream were huge and they were a big reward for girls for hiking a long way. 

After that, we resumed our journey to Lower Emerald Pool trail which is accessible from Zion lodge stop.  Sophie was leading the way all along but it was such a big dragging for Mcihelle to make it to the end. 

I was hoping to see the big Emerald pool when we got there but seeing with very few and not-so-green water was a bit disappointment.    But the overhead waterfall which was sprinkling the water from the top refreshed the girls and they got big laughter by passing it back and forth a couple of times.

I wanted to do 0.5 mile trail of Weeping Rock but Michelle couldn’t make it so we gave it up.   We stopped at Angle Landings stop though to hang out.   Definitely, we wouldn’t be able to make those steep trails with girls but was just hanging out for that one of the famous hiking at Zion.  We also heard a lot about Subway for strenuous hiking but we didn’t see it on the map of Zion. 

He was a bit disappointed due to some restraints for hiking and was planning for a big comeback to there when girls got all grown up.   Then, the restraint could very likely be me as I might not be able to keep up with all of them by then, LOL :P

Back to Vegas

Due to the popular demand by girls, we stuck with Circus Circus.  They love circus shows there and also mid-way arcade games there.   And more buffet time for us of course :P

Journey back to home-sweet-home took much longer what it was supposed to be as we stuck in the traffic.   It let us suffer 90 degree of piping hot desert weather.    When we entered California state back, it was misty at one point on the way to Los Angeles and the outside temperature display at our car was showing that it was 58F degree.  30 degree difference within a couple of hours.  No kidding, huh?   Time to appreciate CA’s weatherJ

Home-Sweet-Home Again!

A quick stop at LA and finally it was home-sweet-home again!   A nice little road trip to experience and explore what the amazing things the nature has to offer.   

Thursday, January 10, 2013

2012 Christmas Getaway

New move, new jobs and not enough vacation hours, I could only plan for a short family getaway this year. 

So, to where?  After making my brain works for a while, the answer is there.  It's to Palm springs. 

Shop until drop.... :P

Our first stop on first day of the trip is at Desert Hills/Cabazon Premium Outlets.  It's a shopping paradise for shoppers as most of designer stores which aren't available in other Premium outlets are here: Gucci, Versace, Prada, Tory Burk, Jimmy Choo, UGG, etc.

Desert Hills premium outlets is superb in the sense that it has various top of the line aforementioned designer stores among all the premium outlets which I have come across so far.

Riviera Resort

 After spending hours of shopping, we headed to Riviera Resort and Spa which is our lodging in Palm Springs.  The resort's setting and decorations seem so modern and check-in process was very easy and quick.

However, a big disappointment comes into play after coming a long way to the room from the elevator only to find out that our room card key didn't work.  Exhaust from the whole day shopping and starvation make us a huge disappointment on this. 

As I didn't want to walk all the way back to the front desk, I made a call to their help line to complaint about the issue.  It took a long time to arrange another room which is closer to the elevator for us.  The annoyance of the long wait just made my impatience worse so I hang up the call.  We decided just to head to the front desk to grab a new key.  Just then I got a callback from help desk about the new room saying that they would deliver the new room key to us. It took quite a while to get those keys delivered to us.  It indeed was a bumpy beginning with Riviera. 

Another disappointment comes into play when our room didn't get the maid service on the second day.  I came to realize that we didn't hang the "Maid Service" tag up on our door before we left.  Unless you hang "Do not disturb" tag up on your door, your room will receive the maid service by default per my experience from almost all hotels we had come across so far.  But it apparently worked different here.

But from a positive perspective, we got a complimentary cocktail (but couldn't pick anything from the menu) for each of us for each stay of the night.  And the swimming pool area is so huge and nice.  During summer, floaties could be rented from the resort and it could have been a nice lazy river for girls to play.  I really like those big beds by the pool which are just perfect to kill a nice day by laying oneself down on them, relax, gaze people, enjoy the atmosphere, take a nap or read a book or two, you name it. 

Hiking... Hiking... And Hiking...

For our second day, we spent our day hiking at Indian Canyons. There got total 4 canyons inside the park: Palm Canyon, Andreas Canyon, Murray Canyon and Tahquitz Canyon.  We hiked along Palm Canyon about 1.5 miles out of 15 miles and came back as girls couldn't walk any longer.  We spotted lots of palm trees along the way.  The dessert feel was definitely there as surrounding scenes were brown instead of green.  But there got some natural spring  and flowing water so it was a pleasant hiking.  Rock formations at some places are amazing.

There was a small shop by the parking lot which sells books, postcards, hiking canes, refreshments and some snacks.  Girls got ice cream break there.  The prices were very reasonable.  A lot of such places usually sell refreshments with incredibly high prices but this price just collect the regular price.  We spotted flying cute little humming birds there then.

After that, we headed to the short trail which led us to West Fork Falls which was the other end of the parking lot.  Again, we witness amazing rock formations along the way.  At one point, huge rock block the entire trail and it appeared like it was the dead end of the trail.  So we didn't spot any waterfall but girls got a blast hiking on those rocks.

As a last stop, we stopped at Andreas Canyon and hiked a little more than 0.5 mile I think.  As girls couldn't walk any further we headed back.  Girls played at a relatively big stream with lots of palm trees which seemed like a desert oasis to me. 

Downtown Palm Springs

We had to pass through the downtown on the way back to hotel.  As there got a couple of hours before the sun set so we decided to cruise around the downtown.  The plan was to hang out there, find a good restaurant, fill our empty stomach from hiking, go back to the resort we were staying and call it a day.

We stopped at one of remarkable Palm Springs' landmarks which is 26 feet tall "Forever Marilyn Monroe" statue. It's located at the corner of Palm Canyon Drive and Tahquitz Canyon Way.  There were full of visitors who enjoyed taking pictures under her.  The statue was previously located in Chicago and was relocated to Palm Springs on August, 2012 and it'll be there until June 2013.  I'm glad that I catch her before it will be moved to somewhere else :D

Thai Food for Dinner :)

As for our dinner, we stopped at Thai Time restaurant at downtown for two days in a row.  It's a nice little restaurant and I highly recommend it for its food.  The wait could be nearly 45 minutes to an hour during peak hours.  It was the case for our first day there.  As for the second day, we dined early so we beat the crowd. 

During the first day, we got Satay as appetizer and girls finished them in no time.  May be they were starving due to the wait :P  We got the eggplant with pork and house special fried rice and we both liked them a lot.  The fried rice was really fragrant and tasty except it was a bit greasy.

During second visit, we got various appetizer platter, shrimp tom yum soup, pad thai, and my all time favorite Thai food, Penang chicken curry.  The soup was just so so as it wasn't anywhere close to the authentic tom yum soup we got back in Thailand.  Penang curry was good but it was just okay.

I had much better Penang curry somewhere else.  My favorite place for it was at a Thai restaurant in Fremont.  My rating for Pad Thai was really good though.  The only complaint was that the food we ordered were much more than we could consume so I had to stuff myself up while I didn't want to waste them.  Ahhhh!!!! My guilty pleasures!!! :P

Hiking... And... More Hiking...

 On third day, we went to Joshua National Park.  Finally,huh!!  I've been planning to visit there for quite a while but it didn't happen previously and we were there finally.  It was about an hour drive from Palm Springs.

Make sure to bring or prepare own lunch as there're so meal places in the park.  So I grabbed some sandwiches and drinks from 711 which was right across our resort.

We entered the park via Oasis Visitor Center.  I grabbed some maps during our bio break.  Then we drove along Park Blvd.

My first curiosity was to witness those Joshua tree in person.  Even before entering the park, I started to see them at Twenty Nine Palms which is the city by the park.  It's a well populated city with many lodings, super markets, stores, gas stations.  I didn't know that it will be that populated in that city.

It's very different from other national parks I've been such as Yosemite, Death Valley, Grand Canyon, etc.  The nearby villages, towns or cities of those national parks are pretty deserted.  And only a few gas stations will be available and the gas prices they got are soaring to the sky.  It's apparently different for Twenty Nine Palms.  If I knew it earlier, I don't think I'll buy sandwiches and drinks from 711 I guess :P

It's a pity that I didn't know the name of our first stop.  Rock formations are amazing and he and girls got a blast hiking there.  My fearless girls just climbed upon those rocks in no time and I was the only one who was busy screaming them to be careful and taking their pictures :D

We stopped at Skull Rock as well.  And I saw Jumbo rocks from the car.  The next destination was to Keys View which is about 20 minutes drive from Park Boulevard down Keys View Road.  There was 0.2 mile loop trail to the crest of the San Bernardino Mountains.  It provides a panoramic views of Santa Rosa Mountain on the right, along with 10,800-foot San Jacinto Peak behind Palm Springs.  The usually snow-covered peak of 11,500-foot San Gorgonio Mountain is on the far right.  And the shiny surface of Salton Sea was visible from there as well. 

One interesting thing was to witness San Andreas Fault which is at the southwest side of the ridge.  It drops nearly a mile in elevation into the Coachella Valley. The infamous San Andreas Fault, stretching 700 miles from the Gulf of California to the Mendocino Coast north of San Francisco, runs through the valley and
can be seen below.

Other notable stops include Arch Rock, Cholla Cactus Garden and Ocotillo Patch.  Cholla Cactus are really cute but my curosity to those cute ones became unpleasant and ended up with screaming while I accidentally stepped on one of its spiky balls (flowers of the cactus????).

Those extremely tiny yet super tough spikes poked my feet through my leather boot and it was hurting.  And they wouldn't come off easily.  While trying
to remove one of them by barely touching it, it transferred right onto my fingers and stuck there.  Those spikes were killing me and it was unbearably painful.  No matter how hard I shook my hand, it wouldn't come off.  I heard a male's screaming from a distance.  I was sure someone else was in a pain who was in the same situation as me. 

Finally, he had to use the small rock to get them off both from my hand and my feet/boot.  My finger got bleeding immediately after it came off.  As soon as it came off, the pain went away.  The weather was pretty chilly on that day so my blood clotted and stopped bleeding shortly.  Thanks God!  Be ware!!  Keep a distance from those cactus if you ever see them. 

Ocotillo trees look weird too.  It has no leaves at all.  I think it was due to the season and it gets leaves perhaps during other seasons?

Any tree, cactus or shrubs which grow in desert got spike one way or another.  Joshua trees got full of spikes too.  Depending on the size of the tree, its spikes could range from thin and tiny to thick, long and tough ones.   

Overall, I think it's worth a trip to Joshua Tree National Park at least once.  I really recommend it.

Resort Comparisons

 We stayed at two different resorts: Riviera and Hyatt Regency Suites.  Overall, we prefer Hyatt.  Of course,it's a suite so it comes with a separate living room and bed rooms.  And with two LCD Tvs.  So, while girls were enjoying their favorite kids'shows on one TV, I could enjoy the quietness under dim light by laying down on the bed without interfering with any noise or light.

However, the swimming pool and around settings in Riviera is much bigger and it is much more like a resort setting.  We didn't get a chance to visit the gym in Hyatt but the gym at Riviera looks pretty nice as well.

We did have a nice Christmas Eve dinner by the fireplace by the pool at Hyatt though.

Snow Time Or White Christmas

It's Christmas Day!  We were bringing girls for their snow play.  Palm Springs's another popular attraction Aerial Tram was our destination. 

Oh, man!  It's incredible to see such a big crowd and a long line to get to the Tram station.  There got shuttle bus running which brings people to the Tram station.  We parked our car and had to wait in line for our turn on the shuttle bus.  The wait was more than an hour.

As soon as we got to Tram station, I rushed to the ticket station after seeing such a crowd.  That day was full of unexpectations.  First of all, who knows there would be such a big crowd, especially when it's Christmas Day!  I thought people will stay home for family time.  Wrong, wrong, wrong!!  I was apparently wrong.

Second of all, I blame myself for not buying ticket online.  Note to self is to buy ticket online whenever it's possible for next time :)

And the third thing is no cell phone reception at all in the building.  It was a bummer.  After getting tickets, I couldn't make a call to him due to no reception.  With that crowd, it took me quite a while and a couple of trips back and forth to spot him and girls.

There got a long line to ticketing counter as well even though the line was moving pretty fast.  But guess what?  I only got the tickets for 2:00pm tram.  That gonna be more than 2 hours wait for us.  The tram runs every ten minutes and it seems it could fit about 80 people in one tram.  So can you imagine the headcount on that day? :D

They have a little cafe and gift shop with outdoor seating area.  The building is two-storey.  The downstairs one got super crowded and couldn't find a seat.  There got a little hiking area for kids to play and a little waterfall too.

We went upstairs and I managed to find seats for us.  During the wait, we was able to observe the tram and realize that it was going pretty high.  This is the fourth unexpectation I would say.  I thought the tram ride is just like most of the gondola ride, going straight which brings us from one place to another.  I was already thrilled by seeing a couple of back and forth trams which were climbing very high.  Thanks God! It carries about 80 people altogether so I wouldn't be alone and my heart wouldn't race that fast :P

Thrills or Excitements???

1:45pm!!! The wait was finally over.  We was called to wait in the waiting area.  Then to the boarding area. And finally onto the tram.  There only got a couple of limited seats in the center of the tram which is next to the tram control panel.  Girls secured the spots by the glass to enjoy the view.  Off we went and up to the San Jacinto mountain at 8500+ ft elevation.

The tram was rotating so everyone in the cabin got a chance to enjoy 360 degree of the surrounding.  It passed total 5 towers.  At each tower, it did swing or switch the gear for a steeper climb.  We all could feel kind of free fall feeling and most of us were screaming with thrills.  The reaches to fourth and fifth towers were much more obvious about the swing.  It was so amazing and thrilling at the same time to look back and see how far and high we've come within a matter of minutes.

At the same time, the tram was rotating so we were able to see how far ahead of us and how steep and high we would be going.  Can you picture yourself hanging in the middle of 5000+ or 6000+ ft in the tram?  All I wanted at that time was to get over with the ride as soon as possible.  :P  A series of pessimistic thoughts kept clicking on my mind such as what if mechancial breakdown of the tram as it was running continuously thought the day with about 10 to 15 minutes interval?  Or what if those steel cables holding the tram got issue?  Or earthquake happened right at the moment?  Oh, NO!!!! 

I know nothing could happen to us. If there got issues with the tram in the past, there could have been big headlines in the newspapers and people might have been hesitate to take it of course.  I know we'll get  there safely but you couldn't just help when you were  in the situation. :D

He was holding my hands really tight as he knew I'm scared.  Well, just like that we safely landed on the top finally!!!  Huh!!  What's a relief!!

And we got our family picture taken before boarding to the tram.  We went there to view our picture.  And there got a group of girls who were next to us in the tram and who kept screaming for every swing at the towel.  They were asking the guy at the photo counter about the return trip to find out whether it would be
scarier one.  The face of one of them looked very pale already from the trip up to the top.  He said, there only got one or two of accidents where tram went off or stuff like that.  He was cracking the jokes up but the girls' faces went paler.  His coworker lady had to intervene and comforted them he was just joking.  Of course, his jokes irritated me as well as who likes to hear such jokes?  He went too much I think.

Anyway, we went out of the mountain top tram station into San Jacinto State park.  They already made well paved stair cases down to the park of the mountain which were all covered with snow.  I think it was about nearly 1 mile trail.  I know the return trip gonna be challenging. 

Snow Time....

Girls got a blast sledding there.  Michelle was overjoyed and giggling all the way.  I even did sledding with Sophie once.  It was super fun. No wonder girls were in love with it.  It wasn't their first time sledding but was my first time as I thought it was a kid thing :P

And Sophie was busy with snow ball fighting and throwing snow to us.  Especially it was her main target since I was standing and watching them and was available all time :P

The return hike back to the tram station was tough though as expected.  Everyone was tired from snow play and was starving as well.  Plus, this is hiking up in contrast to the hiking down to get to the snow play area.  Michelle apparently got no energy and asked Daddy had to hold her.

I was struggling just myself for the hike.  Sophie was leading us and she was doing so great all by herself.  I found a couple of big kids who still asked their parents to hold them.  I found one Dad who was breathing heavily and taking breaks frequently for holding his about 10 years old son.  But his son insisted so he piggyback him all the way back.  I know it wasn't easy for him with Michelle as well.  I myself was struggling and dragging myself so think about them who have to carry another one.  This exactly depicts parents' love.

And we dined at Peaks restaturant.  We got a table by the glass window and the view and outlook was stunning.  The food was just okay but we finished almost all of our food as we all were starving. 

We went to the outside open deck to enjoy the outlook panoramic view down to the valley.  It was almost 5 o' clock so it was getting dark and the weather was also freezing at that elevation.  I didn't have my gloves on and I felt my hands got numbed and freezing.  Regardless, I felt awesome for the view and height we were standing.

There was a long time to board onto the return tram as well.  But the wait was only about 30 minutes and it wasn't as bad as the one coming up here.  We were surprised to learn that there got plenty of people coming up to the top at this hour. 

We were stuck in the middle of the tram this time and wasnt' able to enjoy the view much.  I was still scared with my own irrational thoughts and the jokes from the guy at the photo counter anyway so probably we were better off with middle spots I comforted myself :P  After quite some screamings by all of us in the cabin, the excitement came to an end finally.  Our tram safely landed back to the ground station.

It was a really incredible, thrilling and exciting ride and experience I would say.  I'm not sure I want to take it again but I highly recommend everyone to experience at least once in the life.  It's really worth it :)

We were lucky this time as the shuttle was ready right outside the station to fill up the last couple of available spots.  We hopped in and got to the parking lot where our car was parked shortly. 

Home  Sweet Home

Girls fell into sound sleep not long after sitting in the car.  And we finally got back to home-sweet-home.  We did the family movie together.  And Sophie ended up the night beautifully by playing Christmas carols on her piano. 

Merry Christmas & We got a nice little getaway during Christmas break!

Pictures to come... (I promise :P)